Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Teach me how to Duggar.

LOL. First of all, everyone should know that we have special company this week. Her name is Cheyenne Bonnie Lanae Van Hook. Yep...the whole entire week...someone save me!! (totally kidding...assuming she will read this soon.) So yea. We're pretty much a ridiculous trio we are. Ole Chuck, his sis Cheyenne, and me. There have so far been talks of boogars, pics of poo, farting, burping, laughing, crying, yelling etc. It's only Tuesday. Shooo....we got a whole nother few days of ludacrosity in our home! I love it. It'd only be better if my sister was here too :( That would definitely throw a kink into things seeings how she is about 13 weeks preggo now!!! Gosh I miss her. (Yay for me being an aunt!) Anywho. We are having a very fun time! I love Chey so much, and I'm glad that she gets to be here for a whole week. She hardly gets to spend quality time with us or the girls so it's awesome! (PS Hope no one is offended by my list of "fun things" but I'm honest, and so there ya go...that is honestly what's been going on in my home. Take it or leave it, like it or not!)

Today has been a fun day! I went off to work this morning...Yes I finally have a job for the first time in forever. I'm working at a Mother's Day Out. I love it. I get to take my girlies so it's good :) So today, me and JulieAnne headed to "school." K stayed home with Aunt "Bonnie" because she has a nasty chest cough. Little did I know that my poor sickly baby would be at home with Bonnie in their swimsuits, swimming in the bath tub....life's tough huh?! When Chuck got home from work tonight, for some reason, we somehow ended up all Duggarish. Cheyenne made dinner. I've been on dinner strike. Bored cooking and feeling like I cook the same thing all the time, so she made dins tonight and it was excellent! Chuck rotisseried (I made that up!) a roast and then used our meat slicer to cut it into roast beef slices, bagged it and put it in the fridge for sandwiches later....no seriously. He really did! It was delicious and even picky Kennedy agreed! I decided to cut up some fresh pears from outside and throw them in the crockpot for the night with some butter, cinnamon & sugar. Then we really did go sit in the living room and watch 19 Kids and Counting. lol. Random night huh?! I loved it! Oh and I almost forgot, Chuck made homemade hot chocolate which was like the most delicious thing I've ever had! (My husband ROX!!!) It was a super good time.

All this being said, I want to add just a smidge of what God's been working on with me lately. It kind of ties in with my last post titled Abba. It also comes a little bit from Jeremy's message Sunday as well as what I've been reading as I finished up Romans. The truth is a simple one...but a wonderful one. Here goes. Selfish perfection=bad. Selfless perfection=good! A brief explanation. So many times, I strive so hard to be perfect for myself. To make myself look better. To make sure my house is super clean (HELLO YEA RIGHT I HAVE 2 YOUNG CHILDREN!) for when company comes over, to cook well so that people think I'm a great wife, to do this or that to make myself look better to me and to others! Anyone feel that say AMEN?! Yea I thought so. That's what I like to call selfish perfection. Aiming to be perfect for my own selfish reasons.

Now...there is a perfectionism that God is totally ok with! And that is the perfection that God is changing my heart to follow and aim toward. That would be setting a goal for yourself to be perfect in God's eyes. For God's purpose and will. To please God. To allow your life to be transformed like Christ. To lay down your own life daily and put aside all selfish desires and thoughts and simply want and need to be like Jesus. That's it. Obviously as we all know, we will never be perfect. Impossible. But, we can sure as heck try. That's even what God wants. He knows we're gonna mess up...so what! That's what makes Him all the more amazing! But I know that He wants us to be like Jesus. Every day to try more and more to be like Christ. Now that is possible! So that's where I'm at. Being renewed and transformed daily. So that my mindset is slowly but very surely changing from selfish perfection to selfless perfection. I want to be perfect for God!! I want to be as much like Jesus as I possibly can for reasons that bring glory to His name and no other. If I'm more like Jesus, then my prayer is that God could use me and my testimony as a way to show His glory to others. I want people to see Jesus, not Rachel. (Please don't get me wrong, I am not bashing house cleaning, and good cooking. I love to cook, clean, crochet, make bows etc... and that is who I am. I am not going to change those things, but I can keep in check the reason behind my doing those things.)

Just wanted to share! As always. My split personality life is so ridiculous. Crazy but serious. Loud but quiet. But mostly just honest and truthful. I like to be an open book. My prayer is that God uses me! Be encouraged! Closing thought....go pray over your babies tonight while they sleep! Kiss them one more time! Tell your husband how much you love and respect him and that he's the best dad and husband ever :) Sleep tight!

Selfless Perfection For Me~Rach

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