Sunday, October 3, 2010

Boo on Satan the Prowling Lion :x

Well ladies & gents. The time has come. This is gonna be one heck-uv-a week. A week that I'm pretty sure God has been orchestrating in mine & Chuck's life for oh about 25 years now. Everything that we have been through up until now, and all the tools, resources & experience (what little that might be) we have under our belt, have led us to this week. Our church plant, Journey Church is officially launching to the public in LESS THAN ONE WEEK! O.M.G.! Like for real for real! Today was our last practice service.

So, all that being said, and being the emotional, crazy & honest person that I am, I have decided to write a blog about all that is going on inside of my head. So, be prepared for whatever might come out. I'm not really even sure myself yet :)

First I want to talk a little about the practice services. All have gone extremely well seeings how we literally started from scratch. From hanging thousands of doorhangers on the doors of families around town, watching the Journey trailer be unloaded for the first time, borrowing the old "On the Trail" series set from the Gathering, using our first few "First Time Guest" cards, having our first family ministry volunteer meeting, watching the first person make a decision to follow Christ full-force...until now....we have all, especially Chuck, Jeremey and Andy, been busting our rears to make this come together. It of course has been a roller coaster ride. Many glitches to work through, and many things to fix, but I do believe we have, with the help of God alone, a feeling of readiness for 10.10.10!

Second, I want to talk about just how STINKING excited I am to know that so many of our Gathering family are driving 5 1/2 hours to support us this weekend....WHAT THE HECK?!?! How cool is that! I am definitely going to be a basketcase. So I hope you all come bearing kleenex. (Speaking of kleenex...remember that joke How do you make a tissue dance??? Put a little boogie in it :) lol I randomly told that Chuck today out of the blue. That's really a gross joke if you think about it. But anyway.) You guys please hurry up. I can't wait to hug each and every one of you!!!

Lastly, this is what is mostly on my mind lately. It's really quite unfortunate, but just the way the world has to be, darn that ole Adam & Eve. And that is Satan. I'm super pissed at him lately. I tell ya what, as I'm sure so many of you know, Satan really hates when God's children are obeying, following, being blessed etc. And I will be the first to be honest and say, that Satan has tried really hard to force his way into our home. With all of the "busy"ness and long nights getting ready for this coming weekend, there have been moments in which we might have forgotten to put on maybe say our belt of truth or to pick up our shield of righteousness when we get started in the am. And satan takes any chance he can to work his nasty skank way into your life when you're not looking. I don't mind to say that Chuck & I & our family are not perfect. As much as I wish we were, and as much as we pray, read our bibles, listen to k-love all the time, and raise our children in a godly way, sometimes we fall. Hard. My point in being so completely honest and letting down the walls of the Van Hook home is to do what God tells us to do & that is to carry each others burdens. Pray for each other. Encourage one another. I ask that this week, anyone who might read this would send up a few prayers for all of those who are involved with the launching of Journey Church. Planting a church is not easy, in case you ever decided to try it as a side hobby or something. It's actually downright hard. Emotionally, relationally, financially, and especially spiritually. I would love love love for whoever is filling up for it to join me and my family as we bind satan from our home and all of those who are helping to launch the church.

I know this is incredibly long. That's how most of my blogs usually end up. But, most people don't mind...especially if you know how much of my heart I'm sharing on here :) I am definitely one of the most honest people you'll ever meet when it comes to what other people need to hear. I am not very often honest about myself or my own personal life. As so many others, I try to make it appear that our family's got it all together, and that we are you know...all that & a bag a chips or whatever you wanna say. lol. But we AIN'T! So there ya go. I don't want to be bickering with Chuck, or impatient with my girls on the week that God is allowing us to be part of the birth of a church. That's kind of a big deal. I want daily to put on the FULL armor of God. With God on my side, I don't have to fear satan and what he thinks he can do to my family. I will stand strong. Like David facing Goliath will Chuck & I go at this week!

We are SOOOOO PUMPED! BRING ON 10.10.10 BABY!!!!! Gosh. What a privilege and honor! Thank You Lord for choosing us. We are so daggum unworthy it's not even funny! I don't know why. But I do know you have a purpose and a plan for me and my family. And it is a plan to prosper and not harm us. So let the prospering begin O Lord. I am so in love with You. I am desperate for You. May Journey Church be a church that truly does help people to reach their next step in Christ whether that be their very first baby step like JulieAnne, or their very last step into Your arms like the mamaw of a very dear friend of mine. God be glorified by Journey Church and may all we do bring honor to Your name. Smile down on the launch team this week. Let us be shining stars. God I love you. I am NOTHING. NOBODY. without You. But with You, I am ALL THINGS. In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

much love homies. thanks ahead for all the prayers. xo :)


  1. Love you glad that God choose you and your sweet family to be a part of this grand adventure!!!! Praying for you guys too!!

  2. (Actually it should say "Rachelle said"... but o well)
    Amen sista!! :) I am blessed that God chose us to serve with each other at Journey! Prayers being lifted up this week Fo Sho! (Is that good gangsta talk? I'm trying... :)
